Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Docs Online

My Docs Online
My Docs Online is a place where people can store, and share files online. My Docs is for the use of PCs and Macs. The price for this online storage varies. There are different editions depending on how much space you need or are willing to pay for. The editions are personal, enterprise, and transcript. People can pay for the storage quarterly or annually. The personal edition is the least, starting at $9.95 quarterly for 5 GB and it is $99.95 annually for 5 GB. The other editions prices depend on how many members you want to use it. The enterprise edition starts at $16.95 quarterly, and transcript starts at $29.90 quarterly.
The pros to My Docs Online are that it is good for groups of people. If you want to share files and storage with a group of people, this is a good way to do it. My Docs allows people to pay one fee for the group to use. Another pro of this storage system is that it has a program that edits office documents online quickly from your desktop. Not only can users download data from their computers, but if they have Sprint/Nextel they can download data from their phones. These are only a few of the many pros on this storage site.
Cons of this storage site are that it costs money to use. It seems like $99.95 is a lot of money for only 5 GB, especially when a flash drive for 8GB is less money and can be kept for longer than a year. Another con is that they only free trials for enterprise edition and transcript but not for personal. The trials are also only for 15 days, which seems a little short.

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